
Baltic Sea heat capacity by mid January 2013.
Posted on 14th January 2013
(co 12_9)

Some few cold days can be expected in north-west Europe from today 14th to about the 20th January. That it will not be colder and last longer can be related to a comfortable heat capacity, which is still available in the Baltic Sea , and is clearly indicated in temperature profile forecasted for the time 14-21 January (Fig.1), by an expected temperature anomaly (Fig.2), which is below the average.

 The currently sea ice and SST conditions are roughly about average (Fig. 3-6), the vertical profile forecast - for 14 January 2013 -indicate that the Baltic has still a substantial heat capacity before an extensive icing would happen. (Fig. 7-15).


Fig. 2


Average 11. January

Average 21 January

 SST-Anomaly 14.Jan.

2nd row: Figure 3-6

3rd row: Figure 7-13; http://www.smhi.se/hfa_coord/BOOS/boos.html //Vertical profiles forecasts

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BOOK 2009

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Europe: Books on Demand GmbH,
ISBN 978-3-8370-9524-1.
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    Book 2012














                       Europe: Books on Demand GmbH, ISBN 987-3-8448-1284-8,
Pages: 232, about 170 figures and 14 pages in color with temperature maps.
Online: Click on image




September 1939 
30 daily weather maps 

Sea Ice Condition 
Baltic Sea WWII

Edition 2005
Online: Click HERE

U.S.A./CANADA.: Trafford, Victoria-BC/Canada
ISBN 1-41204846-X